About Saint-Gobain
Saint-Gobain, the world leader in the habitat and construction markets, designs, manufactures and distributes building and high-performance materials, providing innovative solutions to the challenges of growth, energy efficiency and environmental protection.
We design, manufacture and distribute materials that can be found in 76 countries and our building & technical solutions are a key ingredient in the wellbeing of each of us and a future for all.
Saint-Gobain is currently present is 15 African countries and we are expanding our operations to bring you more innovative tailor-made local building solutions.
Our brands support the development of African cities by offering solutions adapted to the needs of the local markets. We provide innovative materials for homes, hotels, schools, offices, hospitals, industrial areas, and even airports, bringing you comfortable spaces wherever you are.
Saint-Gobain is currently present in ten countries in Southern Africa and we are expanding this to bring you more innovative building products in your region.
We have branches in ten Southern African countries and distribute a range of solutions for your building project requirements.
To learn more about Saint-Gobain, see details below;
Plot 39, Unit 3. Gaborone International Commerce Park, Botswana
Phone Number: (+267) 318 1410
Mobile Number: (+267) 318 1415
Fax Number: (+267) 316 5119
Email: Gaolebale.Molosiwa@saint-gobain.com